
Showing posts from 2019

Välipäivä ale Lekmerillä / Post-christmas sales at Lekmer

Hey everyone! *this post contains an ad* Välipäivä ale @Lekmer / post-christmas sale @Lekmer Are you all done with eating turkey?! Ready for some post-christmas sales at  Lekmer aka välipäivä ale, as we say in Finland? :) I am! To be quite honest, this wasn't the best christmas ever to our family: our 10 month old baby has been sick for the past 2 weeks with on-off stomach flu :( and to make it worse, our oldest son, myself and daddy got it right before christmas! Not fun. So that means almost all of my christmas shopping fell into one day at a mall with a sick child - running around like a crazy kid myself :D kids got presents for sure but it wasn't the best christmas ever. So now I'm leaning on to post-christmas shopping online because we're not 100% okay yet. Baby got sick AGAIN last night so went to er again today. What a day! My tips on post-christmas sales I always opt for toys and clothes - toys that I can give my boys later when they turn 1, 6 and...

Last minute christmas shopping ideas for kids including Bugaboo :)

Hey everyone! Christmas is literally just around the corner :) In case you haven't bought all the presents you had in mind and have no time (or don't want to) go to a crowded mall, you can do as I do and order them online :) Here are some of my fav's for kids presents but opening the links you'll find much more. Toys, strollers and clothes Lekmer Lekmer to me is known for their wide selection of kids stuff, such as toys, strollers and quality clothes. My top picks are found here .  STOY Wood Junapöytä valkoinen at Lekmer Jollyroom Jollyroom has similar items but a little different brand (such as Mountain buggy duet, my choice for a double stroller). My top picks are found on their  outlet section. Alex's Garage Rescue Squad Liikkuva Komentokeskus at Jollyroom Babyshop Third one to fall into the same category is Babyshop what comes to toys, strollers and much more. At the moment they have  Bugaboo Donkey2 mono on sale for 1039...

Sisäseikkailupuisto Naurusaari alkaen 4€ / tickets to Naurusaari indoor playground

Hey everyone! *This post contains an ad/tämä kirjoitus sisältää mainoksen* Naurusaari sisäseikkailupuisto alkaen 4€ Offerillalla / Naurusaari Indoor playground Naurusaari sisäseikkailupuisto Christmas is only 2 weeks away, time sure flies! I have a great tip on how to ensure activities for your kids, grandkids etc up until 23.12.2019 :) Offerilla - once again - had an offer I'm gonna like and therefore buy tickets for. And that's  Naurusaari  indoor playground for kids near Helsinki. It's smaller than HopLop but entertains well our kids aged 3 & 5, and should be great for our 10 months old too. Tickects are starting only for 4€ each so it's very affordable. More info and rules you'll find behind the underlined link so check that out :) This offer is valid only until 23.12.2019 so things to do right before christmas -problem is solved ;) This is located at viihdekeskus Flamingo in Vantaa, near Helsinki-vantaa airport and it's easy to come with y...

Sijoittamisen aloitus Nordnetissä ja Cyber mondayn tarjous!

Hyvää iltaa, rakkaat lukijat! * kaupallinen yhteistyö  Nordnetin  kanssa * Black friday ja Nordnet Tänään on paljon mainostettu Black friday ja alennuksia piisaa joka puolella. Puhumattakaan Cyber mondaysta ja sen tuomista uusista tarjouksista. Itse päätin tuhlaamisen sijaan aloittaa sijoittamisen, joten avasin ilmaisen tilin  Nordnetin  kautta. Olen vähän arka sijoittamaan ja aiemmin on kokemusta vain rahastoihin sijoittamisesta, mutta se on vähän tylsää :) Ei niin että rahaa olisi liikaa näin hoitovapaalla ollessa, mutta eipä tuo tuotto kovin korkea säästötilillä ole, joten päätin kokeilla. Sijoittamisen aloittaminen Aloittaminen on helppoa, sillä asiakkuuden avaaminen  Nordnetiin  on maksutonta ja sen voi avata helposti verkkopankkitunnuksilla. Voit myös avata maksuttoman rahasto- ja osakesalkun. Nordnetin hyviä puolia ovat sen maksuttomuus, käyttöliittymän helppous ja hyvä asiakaspalvelu. Minä käytin jälkimmäistä välittömästi, kun nämä s...

Black week sales on babygear - my top 3

Good evening, folks! *this blogpost contains ads* It's the biggest sales week of the year with top sales % and I'm here to point my favorites. Maybe these will help you with picking your favotite items on sale :) Black week sales and my top 3  This post is in english this time and is about black week sales. Hope you're still interested in finding out which online stores have the best ones :) this time I will concentrate on babygear and kids clothing because those are my favorite. Strollers cause I need them on daily base and cause I'm addicted on them :D clothes - well because I need them, my kids always lose their clothes and especially outer wear needs to be very durable up north where we live. So let's start :) My top 3  Babyshop  has strollers on sale and Bugaboo donkey mono was on sale as I scrolled through their selection. Those aren't usually on sale so hurry up if you don't wanna miss their sales! Are you in need of new quality cl...

HopLop black friday tarjous - 3 lippua 2 hinnalla!

Huomenta kaikki! *postaus sisältää mainoksen/this post contains an ad * Black week on täällä ja sen kunniaksi  HopLopiin saa nyt 3 lippua 2 lipun hinnalla, mikä on ihan järjettömän hyvä tarjous! Yhteensä liput maksavat siis 36€, eli normaalin 18€/yli 2 vuotias lapsi sijaan maksat vain kahdesta lapsesta ja kolmannen lipun saat ilmaiseksi. Alle 2 vuotias eikä aikuinen tosiaan maksa mitään, joten meidän 3 ja 5 vuotiaat saavat tuossa setissä yhden ilmaisen lipun, joka voidaan käyttää myöhemmin. Lippuja voi käyttää myös yksitellen, jolloin yhden lipun hinnaksi jää 12€ ja lippuja voi käyttää maaliskuun 2020 loppuun. HopLop on meidän lasten ehdoton suosikkija sitä jaksetaan kysyä, milloin mennään sinne uudestaan :) Todettiin paikka sopivaksi meidän 9kk ikäisen vauvan kanssa, koska HopLopista löytyy myös rauhallisempi pienten nurkkaus. Ihan täydellinen ajanviettopaikka koko perheelle, koska siellähän voi syödä myös omat eväät ja pöytiä & tuoleja riittää. Etenkin näin marraskuuss...

Dreaming of beach vacation :)

Hey everyone! It is grey, wet and..well,grey here in Finland so I started dreaming of a beach vacation. It is not that long ago we visite Rhodes in Greece but I already miss the sun and lovely warm weather :) How about you? I do like christmas, snow and all that but warm weather is something. *This post contains ads*. Rhodes (Matkapörssi) Matkapörssi   has a good selection of beach vacations and they even have last minute deals to pack your passport, toothbrush and GO! :) We spent a lot of time on beach while vacationing in Greece but if I were to travel somwhere warm at this time of year, I'd go to Thailand . Thailand / Thaimaa (Matkapörssi) Okay, it's a long flight from Finland but the beaches are something :) And the food, people and the whole atmosphere - it is worth the travel. To me it's affordable, weather's always good, food is amazing and overall it's the ultimate beach vacation. Like said, I'm dreaming right now and it's not...

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Irtisanomisuhka ilmassa perhevapaalla

Heippa kaikki! Huh mikä päivä! Olen siis virallisesti vielä hoitovapaalla vakityöstäni mutta sain tänään kuulla, että työt eivät enää hoitovapaan jälkeen jatkukaan. Aika masentavaa kun töihin paluu on muutenkin jännää touhua ja ajatuskin siitä, että aloitan täysiaikaisena ihan uudessa työ, se jännittää. Toki nykyään työelämä on sellaista, että työt ja työkaverit ehtii vaihtua etenkin virkavapaiden aikana, jolloin paluu vanhaan tarkoittaa oikeastaan uutta :) Oli miten oli, mua uhkaa työttömyys, kääk.  Irtisanominen ja perhevapaat Vanhaa tehtävää, josta siis jäin äitiyslomalle, ei enää ensi vuonna ole. Periaatteessa olen suojassa tällä hetkellä mitä tulee irtisanomiseen, koska mua ei vanhempainvapaan aikana julkisella puolella voida irtisanoa. Työsuhde siis jatkuu. Se nyt ei kuitenkaan ihan hirveästi mua helpota, koska irtisanominen tapahtuu sitten sinä päivänä kun palaan töihin. Vähän meni sitten pasmat sekaisin kun jo suunnittelin paluupäivää ja milloin meidän...

Father's day gift idea at COS

Hey everyone! It's friday, baby and I did already father's day shopping and now baby's sleeping and I'm herr :) I'm gonna prepare a brunch on sunday - or very early breakfast if we get up at 6 am - including a variety of cheeses, ham, toast skagen, croissants, fruit plate, sweets and a cake of course :) all the things you can nible :) Stroller walk in the snow  Babe and I actually walked home since it's not too cold today but there's still a little bit of snow left from yesterday. It took about an hour to get home so I say it was a good excersize :) Kids went all crazy yesterday with the snow and wanted to make a snowman. I think we need to wait a bit longer for that! I just love when the first snow falls down cause it brightens the day and night, and looks so pretty. Love it! Christmas is just around the corner, for sure. Father's day sales I always buy some piece of clothing for father's day - at least warm merino wool socks or just und...

Freskan kotisiivouspalvelua edullisesti / Freska homecleaning services

Howdy everyone! This post is mostly in finnish this time and contains an ad from  Freska homecleaning services. Heippa kaikki! Päivät lyhenee ja ilmat sen kuin kylmenee, pimeydestä puhumattakaan. Meille suomalaisille tämä kaamosaika tarkoittaa usein väsymystä ja ainakin itsellä totaali saamattomuutta. Sohva kutsuu ja nukkumaan mennään ajoissa :) Kotiäidin (ja isän) kuuluu kuitenkin pitää kodistaan huolta, ettei kaikenmaailman pöpöt pesiydy omaan huusholliin. * Tämä postaus sisältää mainoksen * Freskan kotisiivouspalvelu  Jos suursiivoukset ei jaksa innostaa ja mieluummin vietät aikaa perheesi kanssa (oikein!) niin mikset hankkisi  Freskalta  ammattitaitoista siivouspalvelua? Onhan se aika ihanaa, kun joku muu hoitaa siivouksen sillä aikaa, kun ulkoilet lasten kanssa, hoidat ruokaostokset tai käyt vaikka kampaajalla :) Siivous tilataan esimerkiksi kerran kuukaudessa tai useammin tapahtuvaksi jatkuvana tilauksena. Meillä toimii kerran kuukaudessa tapahtuva ...

Baby turned 9 months

Good evening! It's a rare evening for me being able to write but 2/3 kiddos are asleep so I guess that means me-time :) I can't believe but my baby - youngest - turned 9 months yesterday!! This last baby year seems to go so fast, faster than the previous ones. It's bitter sweet to even think about my feelings year ago, how I was just waiting for this one to make his entrance and how slowly time would pass. And the fear I always had with all my pregnancies that something bad would happen. Anyway, things went fine and here we are - with an almost toddler :) Today my middle son had a day off from daycare as he always has on mondays so the three of us went to a mall nearby with bus and metro. There was a playarea where my 2 youngest ones could play and boy did I enjoy watching them play together! This mommy of 3 thing is getting easier with all of them playing together and that baby phase sorta moving away, if you know what I mean. And ok, only 2 of them with me today but s...

Liput Woltti-trampoliinipuistoon kahdelle etuhintaan!

Heippa kaikki! *tämä postaus on suomeksi ja sisältää mainoksen / this post is in finnish only and contains an ad* Mikäli viikonlopuista puuttuu ohjelmaa, niin  Woltti-trampoliinipuistoon  kannattaa suunnata - etenkin pikkuvintiöiden kanssa :) meillä yritetään ulkoilla joka päivä ainakin tunnin verran, mutta etenkin ilmojen kylmettyä tai sateen iskiessä sisäleikkipaikat nostaa suosiotaan. Tuossa puistossa näyttäisi mainoksen perusteella riittävän tekemistä, joten tämä hyvä vaihtoehto jo koetuille hoplopeille :) Halloween on siis taas täällä ja meidän kotona vilahti yksi jos useampi Batman :) Rooliasut tehtiin uffista 2e ostetusta mustasta verhokankaasta, josta tehtiin viitat. Maskit tein leikkaamalla kartongista batmanin muotoiset palat ja kuminauhaa taakse, niin pysyi päässä hyvin. Samoin vyön tein keltaisesta ja mustasta kartongista. Yhden setin hinnaksi tuli noin 1e :) muutoin mustat housut, sukat ja paita päälle, ja batman on syntynyt ;) Miten teillä vietetään Hallow...

Mountain buggy duet sisarusrattaat alessa!

This post is only in finnish this time :) Mukavaa sunnuntaita kaikille! "Tämä postaus on poikkeuksellisesti vain suomeksi ja se sisältää mainoslinkkejä. Mainoslinkki on boldattu  ja vievät tällä kertaa Jollyroomin sivuille." Ulkona tulee räntää ainakin espoon suunnalla ja meidän pojat jo kovasti odottaa talvea, lunta ja sitä myöten tietenkin joulua :) Itse aloin pohtia, miten pärjään talven matkarattailla, jotka nyt olleet etenkin autoillessa eniten käytössä koska niihin saa britax turvakaukalon kiinni. Näppärää, mutta edelleen se lumi: meillä siis Britax b-agilen matkarattaat ja noilla renkailla ei kyllä yhtään huvita tarpoa eteenpäin lumessa. Keskimmäistä varten niissä on seisomalauta, joka olikin kesällä käytössä mutta jotenkin nyt säiden kylmettyä 3v tahtoo istuimen. Mountain buggy duet tarjouksessa 499,90€ Sen takia olen taas pohtinut tuplaratasasiaa suuntaan ja toiseen, ja melkein jo päädyin ostamaan käytetyt Mountain buggy duet v3 Sisarusrattaat hintaan 350€. ...

Edullinen hustenleikkaus Espoossa / haircut offer in Espoo

Mukavaa torstaita kaikille! Viikonloppu tekee tuloaan ja sää on mitä vaihtelevin: välillä sataa, sitten tuulee mutta onpa se aurinkokin nähty :) nimittäin tänään ja eilen oli oikein ihana ilma, joten ulkoiltiin pienimmän pojun kanssa tosi pitkään. Meidän rutiineihin kuuluu vierailu Eemelin kirppiksellä, josta aina löytyy kaikkea ihanaa. Eilen ostin hyväkuntoisia imetystoppeja, lasten vaatteita (päiväkodissa on niistä jatkuva pula) ja muuta lastentarviketta. Oletko käynyt kyseisellä kirppiksellä, Vantaan Hämevaarassa? Voin lämpimästi suositella paikkaa, koska siellä on oikeasti hyvä ja vaihtuva tarjonta ja hinnat useimmiten kohdillaan. Plussaa pienestä mutta kompaktista koosta ja siitä, että ainakin arkipäivisin siellä mahtuu kulkemaan rattailla. Ihan huippu paikka! (Ei ole maksettu mainos :)) Kampaamotarjous Espoon Leppävaarassa No sitten toiseen asiaan eli pääasiaan, kirjaimellisesti ;) Etsitkö pääkaupunkiseudulta edullista mutta laadukasta hiustenleikkausta? No niin minäkin, et...

Mid-season sale @Jollyroom

Hey everyone! Happy thursday, despite the awful weather we have here in Finland. It's grey, water dripping but luckily not raining that hard and it's just one of those mornings when you just wanna stsy in bed all day. I actually napped yesterday with my little one which is something I never do. But felt so good after! And after summer sales and between christmas sales, there's mid-season sales everywhere :) I always go for these because I like saving money, that's all and with my somewhat huge family here in Finland, saving money is my top priority these days. Jollyroom  is one of my favorites when it come to buying a new stroller, clothes or any other thing thats needed in our family. They usually ship fast, their prices are compatible compared to others and their customer care works really well, in my opinion. I've ordered quite the few stroller from their selection and if I've had a problem with it, they've helped me quickly. Returns have worked out...

Syyslomalle tekemistä: Woltti-trampoliinipuisto/ Fall vacation @Woltti trampolin park

Aurinkoiset terveiset Kreikasta! * This blogpost is in Finnish because it contains an ad that applies only in Helsinki, Finland * Sillä aikaa kun meidän perhe viettää ansaittua ja kovin odotettua syyslomaa Kreikassa, Rodoksella niin katse kääntyy jo kotiinpaluuseen ja syyslomaan. Tai miksei ihan muuten vaan lasten kanssa viikonlopun viettoon, jos ei halua kärvistellä koko sateista syksyä hiekkalaatikon reunalla ;) jep, meikä ei siitä kauheesti innostu mutta kolmen pojan äitinä tekemistä pitää olla ja koska hop lopit on jo nähty (ja nähdään syksyn mittaan uudelleen), on hyvä että temppu-tekemisiin on uusi tuttavuus. Nimittäin  Woltti  - Trampoliinipuisto Helsingissä Lauttasaaren metroaseman vieressä, josta löytyy huikeita trampoliineja ja muuta kivaa :) Linkin takaa löytyy kiva tarjous, jolla liput saa kahdelle 12€ - ei paha. Meidän pojat tykkää trampoliineista ja me aikuiset tykätään, koska jonnekin se extra-energiaon vaan hukattava :D Etenkin nyt, kun kunnon syyssateet isk...

Syysloma ja Lomarengas - Fall vacation with Lomarengas

Good morning, dear readers! * this post includes an ad * September is quickly turning to october, and most people - at least here in Finland - like to do something special on their fall vacation. Not everyone wabt to fly outside the country but instead have a vacation in Finland and enjoy the beautiful fall colours. For that there's  Lomarengas  and the best part is that tgey have good quality cabins all over Finland. This year we're actually flying to Greece on fall vacation since we did this Finland vacation-thing this past summer. All I gotta say is that these cabins are worth taking into deep consideration. I love the cooler but not cold weather, hikes up north, picking berries, fishing and just spending time with the family. My kids are 100% outdoorsy kinda people, as in they love to explore the nature and that fresh air does some magic to their heads ;) they sleep like babies (or like middle-aged men :D) so thats another great reason for this kinda vacation. Anyone wit...

Shopping at Babyshop + a discount code

Happy rainy tuesday! Boy, that fall came here fast with cooler weather and rain, yikes :( I'm def a fall person with cooler weather, sun and all the different colours out there but not a fan of rain and upcoming flu-season. Well, that obviously means more shopping for me because I just bought a new (second-hand) Bugaboo cameleon3 stroller :) yeah, back to Bugaboo - oh how I've missed them <3 so now that I have them all I need to do is to buy accessories for the - all Bugaboo, of course! I'm thinking I'll need a new footmuff, comfort wheeled board (ya know, the one with a seat) and leather up-grade for the handle-bar. And maybe something else too..;) Babyshop  has all those and much more - basically everything you need for you and your family. What's best (and easiest) is thatthey deliver so all you have to do is sit back, relax, choose what you need and make an order. Easy! Enjoy your tuesday and let's go shopping! Xoxoxo Bugaboo cameleon3

Fall accessories for babywearing, strollers and everything else!

Hey everyone! Fall's here with cooler weather and rain, and it's that time again when you need to think again what to wear (bikini's aren't enough :)), how to take your kids to playground or to daycare and do I need a babycarrier or a new stroller. Luckily my older kids ride their bikes to daycare and my youngest son - now 7 months old - travels everywhere under my babywearing jacket. So no stroller really needed! But then again, winter's coming too and here in Finland you need a stroller with big tires and the streets are slippery so maybe a stroller could be on my shopping list. That's why I listed some of my favorite items so feel free to check them out and get them if you feel they're useful to you :)Warning: contains ads. Babywearing I love babywearing and Hoppediz has this alternative for a babycarrier, a Hop-Tye Buckle . It's soft as a sling but easy as a carrier, and it's adjustable so it goes from newborn to a toddler.  Double str...

Fall clothes at Bestseller

Howdy everyone! Fall is here, actually for the second day since we had the best summer ever :) long summer, that is. Now it's finally getting cooler so it's time to check out new fall clothes. My favorite destination is  Bestseller  because they have clothes for everyone. My favorites are their maternity line, which includes mamalicious clothes, and nursing wear. What's your favorite? Right now I'm a fan of sweat pants and hoodies - either the ones you can nurse in (the hoodies of course :D) or the clothes that are suitable for babywearing. Those are always my favorite :) Other than shopping, my baby and I began babyyoga few weeks ago. I love it, it's great for my back and it's about last time to start doing it since this baby has started moving! At 7 months he's not too far from learning to walk, yikes :) we're also travelling to Greece next month and that makes me so excited! Happy wednesday!

Maternity leave in Finland

Hey everyone! Kids are back in daycare and summer is over even though the weather's been nice lately here in Finland. That's not the case every year since when school's start, summer always seem to have gone - so let's enjoy these last warm days and nights too :) At the beginning of summer I was so concerned how this summer would go as a family of 5, ie with 3 kiddos. All I'm gonna say is that it wasn't the easiest at some times but I learned a lot from my kids and overall it was a great summer. Luckily me being home, my middle son gets to stay home on mondays and therefore he only has four days at daycare. He's only 3 so that works for us just fine. Our 5 year old likes to go to daycare because that's where all his friends are and there just aren't that many 5 year olds who stay at home. In Finland you can stay home and take care of your kids that are under 3, and you get a little compensation for that too, without losing your job if you have a p...

Summer sales @ Reima

Good afternoon! How are you doing? I'm having a great day with my kiddos at a park and for some un-explainable reason, my 3 year old hasn't pushed any "mommy goes crazy" -buttons :D oh well, I'm sure that'll change or maybe it's the sun that does it's magic. Anyway, I've had time to go through clothes for the fall, and most of them are too small :( good thing is that Reima  has always good quality clothes on sale and they last for years which is great since I have 3 boys. There's always next one to use them :) have you guys given a thought on fall clothing yet or are you still on holiday mood? You should enjoy your holiday but keep in mind fall is coming :) I'm so glad weekend is here and my hubby will join us. He just returned to work on wednesday and boy do I miss him during the day!! It sure feels like an olympic sport to entertain young kids. And keep an eye on them so they wont hurt them. The other night they were hiding from us pa...

Summer with 3 kiddos

Hey everyone! Our family had a fun but not that relaxing (!) summer vacay this summer first time as a  family of 5. It's hard work, let me tell ya! My husband and I love travelling so we haven't given up on that even though our fam has grown. No, having a third one - baby - doesn't exactly make it harder but having 3 kids at different ages just makes it harder, if you know what I mean. 5 year old is great company and baby goes along the way but a 3 year old is a peace of work :D I'm just hoping it's a phase that will soon pass. Most of all, the number of luggage you need with 3 is massive, your organizing skills need to be in order, meaning 24/7. Skip a lunch and you're dead! Seriously. Right now being at home and vacationing locally to parks etc is a childs play :) home sweet home, for sure. BUT despite of all that, it wasn't a true disaster and let's remember that kids will grow and our next trip will be so much different. Happy summer holiday to a...

Familyvacation in Finland

Hey everyone! We're currently vacationing in Finland as a family, and just arrived to Kuhmoinen. It was supposed to rain but apparently it's gonna be nice and sunny all week, yay! Kids are swimming, enjoying the outdoor life and also tried fishing and even got some fish :) few days here and the to Lahti to stay in a hotel for a night and back home. We're still debating what to do after that: maybe to Estonia, Tallinn by a ferry and stay in a spa hotel there for a few days. Momondo  offers great hotel, flight or package deals all over so maybe I'll check it out. Gotta love summer and the fact you can choose what's your next step gonna be! Here's a pic from my morning walk with my little guy-loving this scenery <3 more pics coming up on ny instagram account! now mosquitoes are literally bugging me so gotta go! Bye for now :)

Happy midsummer! Hauskaa juhannusta!

Hey everyone! Tomorrow we celebrate juhannus aka midsummwe here in the nordic countries. That means most people will go spend it at their cottages or usually somewhere other than the city. Well, we're gonna be an exception this year since we're staying home :) the city will literally be empty and dead (especially Helsinki) so that means we're headed to an amusement park called Linnanmäki. Short lines, no waiting - perhaps? And maybe some park and to Oittaa where they have an angry birds park, a beach suitable for little kids, a cafe and a sauna. Other than that, it's gonna be familytime <3 and of course, baby's first midsummer! What are your plans? Either way, enjoy!

Ideoita kesälomaan Lomarenkaalta :) Summer vacay ideas from Lomarengas :)

Hey everyone! Summer is here and plans for summer vacation are set for most of us..except my family :) So this time I'm introducing a travel agency which offers cottages for example. To learn more, please check this link: Lomarengas Our family isn't travelling out of Finland this summer since our littlest is still very little :) so how about vacationing in Finland, in a cute cottage? Wake up to fresh air, take a dip in a lake and warm up in the sauna? Sounds perfect to me! Until then, I'm enjoying the company of my little guy <3 4 months is such a fun age for a baby :)

Hauck duett 2 double stroller

Hey everyone! Hauck duett 2 On this rainy day I decided I needed to share my newest investment - Hauck duett 2 double stroller :) It's super narrow, not too long, works super well with two kids that are different ages, has puncture-free tires and has a large shopping basket underneath. What's most important to me is that upper seat is reversible and you can use it as a carrycot for newborn or as a seat. And you can switch that while on the go which is super great with a baby that sleeps a lot but while awake wants to see so you can just tilt the seat (like on a Bugaboo stroller) and ta-daa - you have a happy babe! And if use a car a lot these are so easy to fold and wont take too much space on your trunk. Genious! Honestly, these are only 299€ at the moment so this is a steal! These are very good in quality, I can highly recommend these. Order them and see what you like about them :)

Spring is here and babywearing rocks!

Hey everyone! It's been over a month I wrote last time and time sure flies! Baby's already 2,5 months old, springtime with nice weather has come to Finland and babywearing has won the competition against strollers :) I'm not complaining though since baby's still so small and it's easy to carry him around everywhere and I don't have to carry my double stroller to anywhere. To be honest, my mountain buggy duet double stroller is more like a closet these days, collecting all the dust and no one sitting on it :) I gotta say my Tula Free-to-grow carrier has been a life saver and worth every penny!! I also bought second-hand Liliputi mama babywearing jacket and an angelwings babywearing hoodie, and they're perfect! I totally recommend a babywearing jacket if you have more than one child - makes life so much easier. That being said my little E is waking up from his Tula-nap. Adios, everyone!

Tula Free to Grow babycarrier

Hey everyone! Last time I wrote about buying a Tula Free-to-grow babycarrier and I did it and ordered one! Eek! I ended up getting it in "Stormy" since I like solids so much and this one felt like mine. And it already feels like the best investment yet because baby really likes it and fell asleep immediately I put him there. So easy to use, feels good on me too and I get to do chores while baby sleeps :) Those chores mean cooking, doing laundry and taking care of my other son who got sick last night. Poor little guy! :( Have you already got into the wonderful world of babywearing? Happy saturday! T

Tula Free-to-Grow soar babycarrier on sale!

Hey everyone! My baby's first month already passed and things are great. Babyboy sleeps and eats really well, likes to sleep in a stroller and enjoys when I carry him in a sling or a carrier. I like babywearing so much because I have two older ones as well and I need my both hands - especially when taking the boys to daycare or whenever. I have a Manduca but it just doesn't fit well: I need a new one, for sure. Baby Tula FTG carrier 'soar' happens to be on sale for 129€ at Babyshop which is great since I was gonna buy one anyway. It's a really good price because these usually cost 159€ at least here in Finland, so hurry up and get yours!! These sale items usually sell really fast so go and order yours if you wanna save some €€ like I do :) Time is limited these days because baby just woke up for lunch. Until the next time! Baby Tula FTG at Babyshop

Baby's first week at home

Hey everyone! It's already been a week at home with our newborn - time flies! I was gonna write something this past week but blogger wasn't co-operating with me so I didn't post anything :) This has been a great week with getting to know this little guy and learning to live my life as a mother of 3. Sounds like a huge family to me! So far so good and my husband has been on a paternity leave this and next week too so I haven't had to go to a store etc with this little one. Which is great since the weather is awful with all that rain. Tomorrow we do have to leave the house and visit our local health care center aka "neuvola" as we call it. They will check the baby's weight and all that to make sure we're on a right track. I'm sure we're are because he eats in every 2-4 hours and my milk department is working as it should be :) I'm feeling good for the most time, if you don't count those crying moments negative somethibg. I think they...

Where's my baby?

Hey there! My due date has already passed as I'm already going on pregnancy week 41 (40+2) and no sign of #3 :) Feeling pretty big and exhausted! I'm hoping he'll make his entrance this week and therefore I'm hoping for a naturally induced labor. Not only that but my younger son got sick last night so we've been staying inside the house all day. He has high fever and we're soon going to a doctor. There's a stomach bug going on at the daycare center and I really hope we're not gonna catch it! Just the thought about having it while going in thank you :( Other than that, I'll just keep waiting and maybe my babyboy will be here this week. Can't wait!

Hospital bag packed and pregnancy week 40 started

Hey everyone! Hope y'all have had a wonderful weekend so far. Mine's been hanging with the family and doing things outdoors as the weather has been really nice with even sunshine :) My hopefully last pregnancy week 40 started yesterday and I gotta say, I'm more than ready to end this pregnancy and have my baby. I'm trying to spend as much time with my kiddos abd possibly some alone time since when the baby's here, I'll be occupied with him and less time for my other two. Yes, that's scary but knowing from previous experience it wont take that long until I'll be playing with them all. So today it was oldest son's turn and we made to Eemelin kirppis aka a local fleamarket nearby. It's a place we both like a lot and it never let us down as there's always that thing we really came by to :) my son found a really cool transformers-toy  and I found some cheap but good quality clothes for kids (polarn o pyret) and new sunglasses for both of them s...

Pregnancy week 39, waiting for labor and january sales at Reima

Hey everyone! January is looking good what comes to this awesome finnish weather with lots of snow and just perfect temperature: not too cold but cold enough to keep the snow here from melting away :) Kids love it of course cause there's so much to do outside. I love it too - even with my huge pregnancy week 39 belly - crazy how fast time has gone and very soon we'll be a family of 5 <3 Speaking of which, I kinda wish baby was here already. I mean, it's getting harder at moving at night in bed, I'm not supposed to lift anything too heavy (including my 2,5 year old) and overall I'm just feeling uncomfortable.  Can't wait for that labor to get started! Our weekend was super fun, in a long while, as me and husband had a date-night and on sunday we went to grandparents house for dinner and before that little bit of outing with the kids. They were exhausted and my younger son fell asleep in the car at 7 pm and woke up this morning at 7.30! I guess that fresh a...