Baby's first week at home

Hey everyone!
It's already been a week at home with our newborn - time flies! I was gonna write something this past week but blogger wasn't co-operating with me so I didn't post anything :)
This has been a great week with getting to know this little guy and learning to live my life as a mother of 3. Sounds like a huge family to me! So far so good and my husband has been on a paternity leave this and next week too so I haven't had to go to a store etc with this little one. Which is great since the weather is awful with all that rain.
Tomorrow we do have to leave the house and visit our local health care center aka "neuvola" as we call it. They will check the baby's weight and all that to make sure we're on a right track. I'm sure we're are because he eats in every 2-4 hours and my milk department is working as it should be :)
I'm feeling good for the most time, if you don't count those crying moments negative somethibg. I think they're mostly normal :) all in all, life is very good!
I also gotta say I'm so happy my pregnancy finally ended in a naturally induced labor and I managed to have a healthy babyboy which I love so much. And also, I'm so happy I got rid of that huge belly!! Life's so much easier without it (I was HUGE!) and weighting 92kg in the end. Now, one week after giving birth, I weigh almost 10kg less and I haven't been on a diet, for sure :) I guess breastfeeding still does it for me and it's great what comes to my health as I had diabetes during my third pregnancy as well.
I'll write more later as I'm still a bit exhausted and my brain isn't quite functioning yet :)
Enjoy your day, thanks for reading this!


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