Going to see my baby

Today is another check up concerning my baby: an ultrasound. I just had my previous one, 3d/4d, 2 weeks ago and we found out we're having another boy. The thing about 4d ultrasound is that you're able to see how your baby looks like - although baby's still very little. And it's nice to "meet" him again today and hope everything's still fine. I can't believe I'm already 20 weeks pregnant - half way already! My colleague told me her daughter just had her first baby at just 28 weeks. Baby weighed only little over 1 kg which made me realize anything can happen. Let's keep our fingers crossed that my baby will stay put until July!

Yesterday we celebrated L's 2 year birthday party and I have to say that cake I made (car-cake with chocolate-cream filling) was delicious! L liked it too and we ended up eating the front part of the car :) He also got some small presents (books etc.) but the rest are still on their way to our house since I didn't order them on time.

Okay, that's all for now. Hope you've had a good & sunny day today! (It's super nice - although cold - in Helsinki right now. Oh well, as long as it's sunny I'm happy).


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