Hullut päivät -shopping: day 2 offers
Hullut päivät
It's day 2 of Hullut päivät -shopping at Stockmann. Sports section, and especially shoes are the ones I keep looking at - spring is finally here so I do need a new pair of walking shoes. Here are the specials for today on children's section and remember - you can always buy these online if you're not into going to the store or just can't make it there. Just like me - I just don't have the time to actually go there so all my shopping happens online this year. Maybe saturday I'll actually get there and definitely all By myself: Hullut päivät is NOT for kids :)Going to an open-house tomorrow
I was gonna go there tomorrow but we are going to an open house to see a potential new apartment. We're still in the process of thinking where to move, and also money's a factor. Unfortunately it'll always be :) But I have a feeling we're gonna stay in the city: we're just not fans of rush hour and instead of getting a big (lot bigger) house in the countryside we're gonna settle with just a slightly bigger apartment in the city. With a sauna. And NO bathroom renovation Project ahead, that's for sure :) I've gone through it twice now and I won't do it again anytime soon.So that's all for now. Have a great night you all - either shopping, getting ready for the weekend (yes, tomorrow's friday already!) or just relaxing!
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