New flea market found and a tip of the day

It's new week again, and baby and I went for a walk to a somewhat nearby flea market. I have to say, I was (or went to) in heaven!! So many good quality baby clothes for such a low price - I dont see the point in paying lots of money for baby clothes since the baby will wear them for such a short time. And I'm talking about 20 cents per piece :) And I also found a sling to carry my baby which I really needed. My baby sleeps ok in the stroller but since he was born prematurely he loves to cuddle and stay really close to me so I had to buy one. And again, for a bargain price of 5€ :) Normal price is somewhere 50-60€ so I did great!

Other than that, we've been getting to know the baby: meaning, we've been staying at home a lot, taking naps together, going for walks..just the way I wanted. Nothing too stressful for anyone.

Tip of the day

My mom brought me a new copy of this finnish baby Magazine "Vauva" (which is baby in finnish). So they had some tips for travelling with kids and the best one I found was that when you go to the beach, put all the valuable stuff (wallet, rings, cell phone etc.) in a diaper (clean one!!) and seal it - no ones gonna steal a used diaper ;) How convenient, plus you wont need another bag for your valuables.

That being said, have a great week!

ps. if you need to find good deals for your summer holiday, check my older post on Offerilla :)


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