Introducing LaRedoute online store and my day so far

Today I'm introducing you a new French online store called LaRedoute. It delivers orders to over 150 countries (for free when your order is at least 89€) and they have brands such as Esprit, Pepe Jeans, Clarks and Numph in their selection. Mainly their products are clothes and homeware. Always nice to have new options when it comes to shopping online! :)

Today's been a weird day with the baby. He usually falls asleep again at 10 am after feeding him but today he just didn't wanna go to sleep - not until 12 pm. It's funny how fast their schedule changes: he's 3 weeks old today and he's already staying up longer periods compared to only last week. That's when he fell asleep almost as soon as he had eaten. I do have to say he sleeps longer periods during the night which is absolutely fabulous :) I need to sleep too :)

Today we also got new furniture to our front-yard. Yay for that! It's so much nicer to have proper seating area when having guests, or just have it - we like to sit outside a lot since little L likes to play outside. And what's the point on having a nice terrace area if you dont have the right kinda seating?!

Okay, baby says 'I'm up & hungry' so gotta go now!


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