Saturday fun at Linnanmäki

Good evening, dear reader!

Today we had a mother-son -day and L & I headed to Linnanmäki amusement park. It's been years since I've actually been there - maybe 10 years ago with my two nieces, I think. It was definitely worth going - little L was soooo excited and he didn't even argue at all over anything which is quite something :) I was a bit worried before going there that he would make a scene when it was time to leave but no. He was like a little angel, loving it!!

He's still quite young so we didn't get to experience that many rides but a few and really, he was just so happy and excited!! That really made my day, too. I was a bit worried of how I would 'survive' with all the walking but only a few contractions during the day and nothing too bad. We needed this, especially since the baby will be here next month. L needs to know nothing major will change and he'll always be my baby, as well :)
Other than that experience, I made my own sorbet! I found the recipe in a baby magazine my mom just brought and I decided, why not - let's try it. I bought fresh mango, a pear and a banana, and just tossed them in a blender. Then I added some soy-milk and put it all in a freezer. Yummy!! So easy to make, definitely no preservatives and also so refreshing. And healthy. Right now I seem to be in that stage of my pregnancy that I keep sweating like a pig. All the time. Seriously I do, so anything ice cold will help me. Sorry but I had to share that with you :)

Okay it's getting late and I (we) need to go to bed soon. My husband has a boys night out: some sports also involved but I think it's mainly just having fun and talking man-stuff, you know. Anyway, good night you all!


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