
Showing posts from April, 2016

Hyvää Vappua - Vappu celebration in Finland!

Yes, happy Vappu , everyone! This has definitely been one of my favorite holidays. Usually this has been the beginning of spring with people being happy (yes, sparkling wine does the trick ;)), sun showing (even today) and just the feeling that winter is finally over. As a university student it gives it a whole different meaning: you get to wear your white high school graduation hat and an overall from your university, and not forgetting Vappu picnic either which happens May 1, so tomorrow. Well, this year it's different with me being pregnant and just not wanting to go anywhere too far. My parents are coming over tonight and we're having a sort of vappu buffet with home-made sima   drink , munkki   (a finnish version of doughnut, just slightly different), potato salad, sausage..and many other things. My mom makes really good sima so I didn't have to make own, and she'll bring it here too. L will have his vappu balloon this year too and he can't wait to have it t...

Selling our apartment and midseason sale

Hello everyone! What a week it's been so far! Our apartment is now officially on sale and by next week, we'll know for sure, if we're gonna move or not. So this week's been so far filled with business negotiations (selling process) and doing business with several different banks. Interesting at least but I have to I'm a bit tired now - wish this would be over soon with some clarity how things will end up. Other than that, my pregnancy's going well even though with this stress. It's pregnancy week 28 and baby keeps kicking :) Anyway, a lot of work what comes to selling the old apartment and buying a new one. And I still haven't got new strollers for the baby! Yikes! :) Midseason sale everywhere Many stores has a midseason sale going on and I have a few good ones here I want to share. This week is Vappu - official party everywhere in Finland so if you need something nice to wear, check these links out! Ellos   has a campaign for kids clothes: yo...

Our apartment is for sale, pregnancy yoga, snow and other weekend stuff

Hey everyone! What a week it's been so far. L is finally getting healthier and last night was the first night in a long while he (and I) actually slept all night long. We ended up keeping him at home on friday too so he missed day care all week. Luckily my in-laws were in town so they took care of L yesterday so I could go to work. I don't even wanna think about our life when our second son starts day care and I go back to work - it's gonna be very challenging :) Yikes.. But today is finally weekend and I get to go to my pregnancy yoga class in the afternoon - a much needed one. It's raining (snowing, actually!!) here in Helsinki so not much to do outside the apartment except going for a class. And silly me, I hoped L and I could go out and play today. Apparently that wont happen today. Apartment on the market Our apartment is now on sale and just like I imagined, people are actually interested in seeing it so tomorrow couple of families are coming here to see it...

Baby-gear on sale @ Lekmer

If you're considering an investment on for example new strollers or any other baby-gear, Lekmer   has a campaign until April 26, 2016 (8 am). You'll get 10% off on selected items worth at least 100€ on their site with a marking " Kampanja 10% ". They have many other on-going campaigns this month so please check them out. Especially a good time to buy new strollers: for example Britax Go 2015 -stroller is on sale for 769,90€ which I think is a very good deal. I compared those prices with used ones online, and some of them (used ones, that is) have an asking price of 600-900€. Ok, some may have more other accessories but still - something to consider about whether buying a used one or brand new. With this one I'd go with the last option :) That's all for the advertisement part today :) I'm beat, it's been a long day - all day inside the house with my little guy and I can't wait to get to my yoga class later in the evening. I haven't been a...

Now presenting: Lauran Pikku Putiikki (Laura's Little Boutique) online store

Good evening! I have a rare evening just for myself: little L is still sick (yes, still) and went to bed super early, and my husband has a sports night with his buddies. So I'm here and I was thinking, what should I write about? I had a short day at work cause I wanted to come home early to be with my little guy and tomorrow I'm staying home with him. I have one online meeting which I hope I can attend so let's just hope L wont miss his naptime tomorrow at noon! On thursday he'll stay at home as well but my parents are coming here. Lucky me :) And once again - let's hope this will be the last time L is sick this spring. Lauran Pikku Putiikki online store So anyway, back to business. I was wondering what I should write about tonight and I ended up with baby/kid gear and especially this one: Lauran Pikku Putiikki . It's an online store that sells everything from diaper bags to bathing, and from baby blankets to toys with a wide variety of different brands. T...

Starting off the week with a sick child and a job interview

Good evening! What a day, I'll have to say. L got all of a sudden really sick last night with high fever. He was a bit sick last week and stayed home for one day but he hasn't been this sick. Ever. Poor little guy :( I have to say: thank god we have a  health insurance   for him so we don't have to use the public healthcare with a sick child, for hours in most cases. Not that public healthcare wouldn't be good - it is but it's just so much easier and faster to get to a (private) doctor's appointment with this insurance. And we always get the best help, lucky us. So anyway, after this commercial speech about insurance, let's hope L gets better soon and will be able to go to day care again. I had to work today so my husband stayed home with L, and tomorrow I'll work half day at the office and then come home as soon as I can to be with L. He needs his mommy when he's sick (we all do). I really hope he gets better soon because when he's sick he wo...

Something new for the spring from Finnish Design Shop

Good morning, everyone! It's a sunny morning here in Finland and because of that, I decided to advertise a little bit of Finnish Design Shop  and their cool new ideas for the spring. I love their site - it's super easy to follow and you can find stuff easily but not easy on your wallet ;) They do have on going campaigns and an outlet section where you can find stuff for -20-40% off of normal prices. These pages are available in many other languages, so not just for finnish customers. You can also see some of my favorite stuff from their site on my blog's " Home ideas " -section. So right now I'd like to add some colour to my apartment, and that's easily done & found  here on their site  Inspiration . It's always easier to find something you really like when you can see the whole picture. Birthday party & toddler sleeping sleeping in his own bed So today we're going to attend my niece's birthday party: she turns 18. I had a day ...

Long weekend

Hey you all! My weekend just started and it's gonna be a fun weekend, for sure! Tomorrow I'll finally go to a pilates class after this horrible flu-season and the a little bit of shopping. My niece turns 18 yrs and has a birthday party on saturday so I'm gonna need to find her something. Any suggestions? I'm so bad with presents - I always end up giving a gift-certificate or just money. I know, boring but I just can't buy clothes or anything else, too hard. I'm also gonna need something nice to wear so that's why shopping is required :) Then in the evening we're going to see my in-laws and having dinner there - perfect. And going to a sauna, of course :) We are also gonna go to an open-house on sunday and I'm so excited about this one: if we really like it, we wouldn't have to ask for a loan because it costs as much as this current apartment! It's a little bit further from where we currently live but not too far. We'll see. This one h...

Getting in touch with (old) contacts and Boozt Giveaway

Good evening! Today I had my team day and met all my colleagues from my work - I was congratulated many times since my belly's getting really big :) I guess this is the only time in a woman's life when she can take it as compliment: getting a big belly, that is. I also got in touch with old contacts from my previous work life. My work used to be in the ICT-business and those contacts are more than valuable right now because of my husband's work situation. I wrote yesterday about his training in which he got accepted in and it's more towards the ICT-business, and that's why I'm helping him with my contacts. Nothing's for sure yet but let's keep our fingers crossed - again :) I have a feeling we're on the right track and something good will come up. Always positive, never give up :) Boozt Giveaway: By Malene Birger So as the title says, Boozt has a special Giveaway: when you items worth at least 185€ from By Malene Birger, you'll be able to...

Working from home with a sick child and a training program to begin

Yes, today I worked from my home office which was nice in a way that I didn't have to get ready to go to work. That usually saves a lot of time, even though my actual work place is very close to my home. Today especially it was nice to be able to work from home since we had a rough night: L has a flu and he coughing a lot last night. My husband took care of him the half day and I started after I was done with my work - talk about shifts! I only had to work half day today so it made this a bit easier. I hate to always call the grandparents to come and help us when L is sick, even though they're more than willing to do so, but they're getting older too so I don't always want to bother them. L is not the easiest to put into sleep during the day but luckily we have a safe balcony and another set of strollers inside the apartment so he fell easily asleep outside. Let's hope he'll get better soon and that I'll be able to go to work tomorrow for my team work day ...

New (short) work week ahead and new discount codes

Hello everyone! It's a new work week ahead and seems like it's gonna be a sunny one, as well as short one - I have friday off :) Wednesday we have a team day which means we'll be working at a hotel in Helsinki - and having a big breakfast and lunch - perfect for a pregnant lady ;) And also fun to have the whole team at one place since we don't all see each other that often. I'm also getting back to the normal work week what comes to hours, and from next week on, I'll be working 100% again until my maternity leave begins in june. Makes life easier work-wise and also financially - let's all keep our fingers crossed that my husband will find a new job and soon :) I helped him this past weekend on the job hunt and found one potential one & he also applied for it, so..let's hope for the best. At least I can't blame him for not trying! Shopping and discount codes Yes, it's always good to think about shopping and what you need and if, in many...

Saturday fun with the toddler and shopping at Hullut päivät

Good afternoon! As usual, our saturday started off early because L wakes up at 6 am on the weekends. And it's kinda funny because he wont get up at 7 am during the week but yes, weekends are the ones when he's full of energy :) So my husband went to the gym in the morning and L and I went out to play and for a walk. We live next to a football field and that's a great place to go for a walk/run with a little one: no cars close to us. It's so much fun to actually being able to go somewhere close with him without the strollers because he can actually walk for quite some time these days. My little guy is growing up, yikes!! Anyway, it was just enough for me because now I've hit the time in this pregnancy where I just can't walk too far and not too fast either: I have on and off contractions, and sometimes sort of painfull ones. Luckily they wont last for too long but I just keep thinking, this is gonna be a long pregnancy :) After some fresh air and outing, I we...

Weekend, Hullut päivät: day 3 & Offerilla

Hi everyone! It's finally friday, yay! I worked at my home office today because I had some writing to do which required some major focusing on - and I'm done :) We also found out that we wont be granted for a new loan, because of my husband's work situation, so that's it for now :( I'm not that surprised but hopefully things will get better soon and we'll be able to move - we desperately need a bigger place! I have to say I'm a bit disappointed since I was really looking forward going to that open-house I wrote about yesterday. Anyway, that's life. Shopping So in the meantime, lets focus on some shopping with great offers. That usually makes me feel better :) It's day three at Stockmann and Hullut päivät -shopping spree and lot's of good stuff for great price. Also another one is Offerilla and their offers. I just received my daily letter from them and here's one I found interesting: a makeover for your hair here in Helsinki. You can u...

Hullut päivät -shopping: day 2 offers

Hullut päivät It's day 2 of Hullut päivät -shopping at Stockmann . Sports section, and especially shoes are the ones I keep looking at - spring is finally here so I do need a new pair of walking shoes. Here are the specials for today on children's section and remember - you can always buy these online if you're not into going to the store or just can't make it there. Just like me - I just don't have the time to actually go there so all my shopping happens online this year. Maybe saturday I'll actually get there and definitely all By myself: Hullut päivät is NOT for kids :) Going to an open-house tomorrow I was gonna go there tomorrow but we are going to an open house to see a potential new apartment. We're still in the process of thinking where to move, and also money's a factor. Unfortunately it'll always be :) But I have a feeling we're gonna stay in the city: we're just not fans of rush hour and instead of getting a big (lot bigg...

Hullut päivät - Galna dagar - Crazy days shopping @ Stockmann!!

They're finally here - Hullut päivät shopping spree from today until sunday, the 10th of April!! This is one of the things I keep waiting for every spring and fall ( Stockmann has it twice a year). All kinds of good things to buy, online or in store in many different cities in Finland, and the best thing is the atmosphere. People really seem to be in great spirits, at least most of them :) I know some shoppers turn into crazy ones (literally) when looking for something they really need (want, that is). My quilty pleasure are all the goodies, clothes for children  and for women, of course. One year we bought a new fridge and it was in really competitive price so check out the home section. They also have these special offers for every night of the week (until sunday, that is) and here's a link for tonight's special. In previous years they used to have a good selection of maternity clothes and strollers too, but I guess they didn't sell that well so they stopped sel...

Now presenting: Eushoppy and discount codes for children's clothes

Seuraa blogiani Bloglovinin avulla I'm always looking for good quality children's (and adults, too) clothes for good price and this online store popped in my mind. It's called Eushoppy and it's an online store that sells all those mentioned clothes. They have particularly a great selection on clothes for children from small babies to older ones: from nightwear to swimwear, outdoor jackets to dresses, pants, accessories and many other things. You can also translate this site in English so it's easier to follow :) In case you are interested in this, here's a discount code for you to use (valid until the end of this month): Eushoppyn alennuskoodilla 25% alennus kaikista tuotteista Eushoppyn alennuskoodilla EuD25tT 25% alennus kaikista tuotteista EuD25tT Happy shopping!

Our new bathroom :)

Follow my blog with Bloglovin Our bathroom is almost done - just a finishing touch that'll be done this week and the wait is over! And those are just little things, more important is that we can use it already and I love it. Very simple, nothing that special in it but I (we) love it just the way it is: big white tiles on the walls and smaller light grey ones on the floor. I love it because it's so easy to buy all different kinds of accessories there - bright for the summer and less bright for the winter :) And that means more shopping of bathroom accessories such as a new soap pump. Perhaps something from Finnish Design shop  or from here ? So to prove that we do indeed have a new bathroom, I have just a few pictures here I wanted to share with you: New bathroom and new towels from Ikea Shower, mirror cabin and a sink - all brand new and shiny Here's our old bathroom - it looks a lot different (outdated for sure) and so much smaller too: Out...

Sunday & pics from our Tahko vacation

Good morning! What a great day L and I had yesterday at my parents house. It was super sunny all day long and we went for a walk without a stroller and just played & explored new things outside. L is still sleeping so it must have been a fun day for him too - that usually tells it :) I promised to share some pictures from our Tahko vacation. And to those who aren't familiar with Tahko, check this site out. So here they are: Our "little" cabin - it doesn't actually look that big but it was :) That's little L ready to go and play at the park :) Our diningroom area / living room - picture taken upstairs You could see the slopes from our backyard :) Luckily they still had snow (but overall it was so quiet after easter) Offers If you're interested in taking great pictures, Offerilla  has an offer in Helsinki for getting great photos in a Studio Elite - at a really low price, of course. Or if you're interested in ge...

Blog post in Finnish: Offerilla & vietä enemmän aikaa perheesi kanssa - palkkaa siivooja!

Hello! Back in business again and f eeling relaxed after easter-break in Tahko skiing resort :) We arrived back to our apartment late last night (yes, our apartment!) and spent a night at our apartment for the first time in 4 weeks. Our bathroom is almost done: it should be done today!! I'm so happy and I didn't even mind cleaning the apartment. So much dust all over it but I don't care - we've all missed our home so much! Now we're gonna have to make up our mind: should we sell the apartment or stay in it - baby#2 arrives in mid-july so if we're gonna sell it, we need to do it now. Confused, yes.  Next post I'll write is about our Tahko-vacation and pics of our bathroom. This time little bit different. So t his time I will write a post about this new company that offers their cleaning-services here in Finland. Therefore this post will be in Finnish only:  Moppi - kokeilutarjous Vietä enemmän aikaa perheesi kanssa ja palkkaa siivooja. Me Mopilla si...