Back to work!

Today I finally went back to work after being sick for almost a week. Can't be believe how I actually missed being at work and doing something other than sleeping or reading magazines (all though good ones). Writing this blog helped me too and it's nice to see people find it too - many new readers again! I have a job that I really enjoy and it was nice to see my colleagues again.

Yesterday, when I went to that thrift store I told you about on my last post, I found out that someone had broken the wingmirror. It doesn't cost too much to fix it but still..that kinda made me angry. Why people need to break things? Oh well, things happen.

Today's a laundry day for me because our bathroom renovation project starts tomorrow so there will be no laundrymachine in our apartment :) We're moving out of the apartment on saturday for a month, or at least I hope it's only gonna last for a month! We're so used to living close to the city so I'm sure it's gonna be quite a culture shock: we're moving to my parent's house and it's a bit farther away from where we live. Now I'm actually gonna have to drive my car, everyday, so I can get to work. Yikes for everyone!
Even so, I'm happy that the bathroom renovation project finally begins. Our bathroom was done in '86 so it's very much outlived and we also found out they've used asbestos (asbesti in finnish) so it really needs to be redone. We're gonna put our apartment on the market when it's done so I really can't wait this. Plus, I get a new bathroom with brandnew tiles and furniture. Possibly something from here?

Okay, time to go get my little guy from day care. Thanks for reading and have a good day!


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