Dreaming of summer vacation in Italy
Hello there! Even though I wont be travelling anywhere warm, exotic or just about anything else, I have all the right to day dream about it :) Summer is almost here - or what comes to weather currently here in Helsinki, it is already here - so it's time to start planning on a new trip. Usually by this time I've already booked my summer vacation since most years I've started my 4 week long summer vacation in the end of june. Last year we travelled to Italy, the island of Ischia and that was something. I'm gonna write a little bit about that vacation this time. Really hot summer but unfortunately, as it happens very often, little L got sick very early on the vacation and they only had one doctor on the island so it was a bit scary. Luckily L got better and we got to enjoy a nice holiday. Would I recommend the island for people travelling with a toddler? No. Why? Because it didn't have too many outdoor places for children to play at - we actually had to travel quite ...