Black friday sales coming up!

Black friday will be here again next week and I just cant wait for all the good sales coming up! I do have some major shopping to do for my baby #3 arriving in january so let's here them all :) I already posted on my Deal of the week-page what Mamalicious has to offer on black friday. Hope you've found my weekly changing deals but if not, go check it out :)

But if you're looking for new non-pregnant clothes, then maybe Vero Moda is your destination on black friday. What about French children's clothes you can order online, such as LaRedoute? Not only do they have those already mentioned kids clothes but also clothes for mommy and daddy, and cute household stuff.

Just as I posted on my instagram yesterday, I'm on a sick-leave this week due to my pregnancy. Nothing serious but just need to rest. And watch Desperate housewives - my saver and quilt :) So back to that, thanks for reading and enjoy your day, lovelies :)



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