Offerilla summer deals

Good morning!
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Offerilla travel ideas in Finland

Summer is just around the corner and many - including myself & my family - are starting to plan our family vacation. This year it will be different and we'll be spending it in Finland because of the virus. Offerilla has services, including travel & accommodation, for a discounted price. My favorite is a chalet cabin in Sappee for 2 nights in a somewhat luxurious cabin with a private sauna, kitchen area and a separate bedroom. Sappee isn't too far from Helsinki where we live which is nice since long drive with 3 kiddos isn't much fun :) With this deal we thought about travelling more in mid-Finland at hubby's parents cabin. Maybe few nights there and few at some hotel nearby.  Summer in Finland is so pretty with nightless nights, beautiful nature and fresh air. It doesn't get too hot here at almost ever which is something we prefer with kids. I just totally recommend everyone stay in Finland this summer, keeping the distance but enjoying this beautiful country <3

Finnish nature at its best

Lomarengas cabins

If you do like beaches and it's warm enough, then you should head over to Yyteri. Distances are never that long here in Finland so it's doable when travelling with kids. They have great cabins all over im Finland and to should take a look at Lomarengas which is a place to check out cabins all over.  But if you're interested in reserving one this summer and especially in july hurry up because these sites will soon run out of available cabins. That's solely because of the virus going on in this world and people want to stay in Finland this summer. Summer plans need to be made very soon!! No stress, just do it :D

This being said, I better go and enjoy this beautiful weather with my boys. Have a great weekend! 


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