Happy mother's day!

Hey everyone and happy mother's day to all celebrating it, in one way or another :) Mine has been spent outdoors as always spending time with my family. I made a little cake this morning filled with strawberries and cream, and it's all gone already :) so nothing special yet so very special to me <3 

Self-quarantine continues

We're still in self quarantine at home, going outdoors to new parks a little more and by doing that, slowly returning to normal life. Being extra careful with washing our hands multiple times and not licking everything we see (the kiddos, not me!!) In Finland, schools and day care centers are returning back to normal next thursday but we decided to keep the kids at home this whole month. They go back to day care in june and then again stay home all july. We're in no hurry to go back, daddy still works from home and I kinda like this. Keeping my loved ones near me :)


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