Shopping at CDON.COM

Hey everyone!

Our wintervacation is getting to its end and actually today I'm at home just with my baby - toddler is at grandparents overnight and to be honest, this kinda feels like a vacation to me too :D Only one child at home, who's sleeping at the moment. Sometimes these moments are the best - although, I have to say, I miss my toddler like hell. Mixed feelings, huh?!

Anyway, I usually just open my laptop (start blogging etc.) or I'll shop. This time I noticed all the wonderful offers at CDON which is kinda a department store online. They have everything from books to toys and other baby gear, and at the moment they have this campaign called '5 day deals' until 2/27 (no shipping fees when delivered to Finland). Check out their webpage for more information.
For example, I found this Thule Urban Glide 2 jogging stroller for two for sale at 571,95€. Spring is almost here so it's time to start jogging again! Another interesting I found is an Easy Rider wheeled board with a seat. You buy these separately but what I like about this one compared to Bugaboo comfort wheeled board with a seat or Bumbrider wheeled board with a seat is that this one has a seat with backrest compared to those two other ones I've already tested. This one also has a 3-point harness and soft grip handle bar so it's really an option to have this one and a onesie stroller compared to a double stroller. I'm really thinking about buying this one and giving it a try since my toddler really doesn't sit on a stroller that much anymore. Only when he naps and he's slowly giving that up too (yikes, no more naptime for him!) So really, consider this one if you have a baby and a toddler who only needs a seat every now and then and prefers to walk instead (which is so much better for him anyways).

I also found these toys for sale up to 60%. You know, Lego's and clothes too - everything for little ones.

Hope you like this site and find something you need for a really good price! Happy shopping!


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