New clothes for kids at Reima outlet

Hello, everyone!

Weeks are going so fast it's almost impossible to remember post anything but here I am :) This week has been the worst in a while: my both kids got sick last week, and that required me to stay at home with one of them. Of course that's what I do but I just hate calling in sick after being at work for less than 2 weeks :) But it is what it is and luckily grandparents came in to help us - yay for them :)

So after this horrible week I decided I'm in for a treat. Clothes, that is :) Not for me, though, but for my kids. Reima has the best quality, durable clothes for kids and they even have sales right now so that would be the perfect time for shopping. All of a sudden my older son, who turns 4 in 1 month, has out-grown of all of his outerwear (yes, I spot ankles :D) and my youngest son just isn't a baby anymore :( I mean really, after he started at daycare he's grown so much and is just taller. So if you need new clothes, check it out. I usually take the risk and by bigger outerwear for next winter just for the fact I do wanna save 50% and usually they're just the perfect size when needed. And hey, if it doesn't fit one boy it does fit the other one ;)
Here are some of my favorites at their site (I already those shoes and they're really good and now even the price wont be an issue):

Lasten talvisaappaat Nefar Navy
Nefar ([at]Reima)

Reimatec Tornio

Happy shopping, everyone! And please - stay healthy :)


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