Baby gear from Pinkorblue

Good morning, everyone!

What a lovely sunshine we have :) After all the rain and snow we still had this past weekend, it's finally time to welcome spring and eventually summer to Finland :) Yesterday kids and I spent 3 hours outdoors playing and biking, and it did warm up to 15 degrees which is a lot in here. This week it's supposed to get to 20 degrees, yay! And not only do I like the sun I also need the sun: baby and I woke up at 4.30 am this morning and the only way I managed to put him back to sleep was to put him in my Tula baby carrier. I can say he slept like a baby but it's kinda hard for me to sleep then, right?! Strong coffee for me today, thank you very much :D

So as summer is getting closer and closer, and everyone's doing their preps for summer holiday, it's time to introduce yet another interesting online store for you guys: Pinkorblue. They have a great selection of strollers, baby carriers/slings, clothes, furniture and many many other things. Things needed for families that have children aged 0-6 years old, in a nutshell :)
Not only that they have this great selection of stuff, they also have it in a very good price. For example, they sell Nuna Pepp travel stroller for 165€ (for some colours) which is roughly 90€ less than in some other stores. This travel stroller is very convenient since it folds to a very small package and therefore is very handy when travelling with kids. They also have a discount section which is always something I tend to look for :) They also have a free shipping for purchases that cost over 100€ (and this works in Finland but they have different sites for other countries as well).

Okay, I need to stop writing now and focuse on what Pinkorblue has for me :) Happy shopping!


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