Hey everyone, it's new year 2020!! How are you all?
New year and getting back to normal
I'm doing good; 2/3 of my boys returned back to day care today and I gotta say I enjoyed some quiet time with my youngest son after all that craziness ;) We did some necessary grocery shopping (haven't been able to do that since all of them were home 24/7), ate an un-healthy lunch at Hesburger (I'll start dieting next week..some year ;)) and then walked home while baby fell asleep. That walk was necessary since my back been aching and I really hope it wont get to the point I can't move or get out of bed cause that has happened before and it's no joke then. Anyway, just a regular day but I really enjoyed some down time. It's a 24/7 job taking care of 3 boys, I'm telling you!
Going back to work or starting a new business?
I'm still not sure what's happening with me going back to work and when since I found out my old job doesn't exist anymore. I'm hoping I'll find something good this spring and then start working again in august. Or I might start my own little business, a consulting company, but that's still so much open in the air that I can't really say about yet. But I do have a business idea so we'll see :) and to be honest, I'm sorta kinda very excited about it. I'd love to be able to set my own hours and work when it's necessary - not when it's 9-17 but really, when needed. I know it brings a lot more other kind of job, such as bookkeeping and actually finding clients, but I'm still pretty sure this would be my thing. I'm not afraid of working long hours and having to take some personal risks as an entrepreneur. But we'll see how it goes in a few months after I've first had the time to actually put the idea on paper and see the numbers if it would even be doable. Fingers crossed!
Baby turns 1 next month
Time sure flies when having a good time! I can't believe my last one is turning 1 next month and we have a toddler (again) in the house :) Bittersweet for sure but very sad but also kinda happy I might be able to sleep through the night again :) So many feelings. This has truly been the happiest and toughest year ever but overall I'm so happy we were able to have our third child because it wasn't easy - my age being the top reason for that. And talking about sleep - boy, he doesn't sleep at night!! I mean, I really need a non-stop 6 hour sleep but this guy wakes up at every 2-3 hours. Yikes!! But I know it'll get better over time as it did my two older boys so there's def light in the end of tunnel :) And I know, this is nothing compared to mama's having to work full-time with little babies or women struggling to get pregnant at first place. So no more whining from here ;)
Baby turns 1 next month - stuck in the cabinet :D |
Viking Line with kids
Viking Line ball sea / pallomeri - our boys having a good time! |
During christmas break our family headed to Stockholm, Sweden with Viking Line ferry boat. Boy, that trip was so much fun with a bigger room on the boat, so much fun to do on the boat such as ball sea ("pallomeri" in finnish), bouncy house, toys for smaller babies/toddlers and to top it all off, XBOX game room!! It's really an easy and cheap way to travel from Helsinki to Stockholm while kids have so much fun to do, plus there are restaurants and shops on the boat as well. We paid 100€ for the whole saturday-monday -trip. Unfortunately there's not much to do in Stockholm for the kids, especially in winter, but we headed to a store called
Åhlens to buy new toys for the kids :) There's a small feeding room for kids but really no indoor playarea in the city, or at least we didn't find one. Then a big family brunch at Burger king and back to the ferry by foot (about 30 mins) - 6 hours spent wisely! If you're interested in travelling to Stockholm by a ferry, check
this out to by cheap tickets :)
Viking Line ferry to Stockholm
That is all for now. It's raining all day today and little guy needs to go for a nap soon. Have a great day!
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