Bugaboo sales at Babyshop!

Hey everyone!

* this blogpost contains an ad*.

It's been a very dark and wet january in Finland. Absolutely no snow in sight which mskes this january feel even longer :( To make it brighter, I did some shopping and bought myself a new stroller: no other than Bugaboo buffalo as second hand purchase. They don't make that model anymore and I really wanted that so I bought one.

Bugaboo discount

And as soon as I had bought it, the Bugaboo mania hit me. I had to have all kinds of accessories cause they're brilliant for sure. Lucky me, now I don't have to chase all things second hand because Babyshop has a very short discount today on selected Bugaboo stuff! Yay!!!! For example Bugaboo organizer is for sale for little more than 40€ (normally 55€ at most places). And I gotta say, this organizer is by far the best ever!! So roomy that it's the only bag I carry these days, looks great and attaches easily on the handle bar.
Bugaboo fox and donkey frame are at discount too so hurry up and go shopping ;) I will and am hoping a Bugaboo wheeled board is discounted :) I got so excited that I didn't even have time to check all out :D silly me, spreading the word like a crazy Bugaboo mama :D

I can't wait for tomorrow so I can go for a longwalk with my babe - he sleeps so well in Buffalo. I really like its ergonomic seat and extendable hood, and so does my baby: 2 hr nap proves me right :)

Have a good one!


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