
Showing posts from May, 2020

Jewellery from Kulta-center

It's that time of year graduation and other parties take place, and many people like to buy jewellery as a gift.  Kulta-center  has a wide selection on jewellery and now you can easily order gifts from their online store.  My favorite jewellery  I haven't ordered anything jewellery-wise in a long time except for my Tommy Hilfiger hand-watch I ordered 4 years ago. That was my gift to myself for having a second child :) before that I got married 7 years ago and obviously my most expensive and important jewellery are my engament & wedding rings. I've been promised for a third ring hence 3 kiddos but I just don't know what I want :) yes, tough decisions ;) Even before those, graduation gifts and "meaninful" jewellery are still very important to me. Such as my golden necklace my older brother gave to me when I graduated from high school way back when.  Kulta-center selection for different occations What I need right now is that third ring, white gold or platinu...

Offerilla summer deals

Good morning! *This post contains an ad because I am doing some affiliate marketing on this blog* Offerilla travel ideas in Finland Summer is just around the corner and many - including myself & my family - are starting to plan our family vacation. This year it will be different and we'll be spending it in Finland because of the virus.  Offerilla  has services, including travel & accommodation, for a discounted price. My favorite is a chalet cabin in Sappee for 2 nights in a somewhat luxurious cabin with a private sauna, kitchen area and a separate bedroom. Sappee isn't too far from Helsinki where we live which is nice since long drive with 3 kiddos isn't much fun :) With this deal we thought about travelling more in mid-Finland at hubby's parents cabin. Maybe few nights there and few at some hotel nearby.  Summer in Finland is so pretty with nightless nights, beautiful nature and fresh air. It doesn't get too hot here at almost ever which is something we pr...

Lindex discount on womens clothes and swimwear

Are you looking for new summer clothes, especially womens clothes and swimwear? I am since my wardrobe desperately needs an update and swimwear is one of those :) but hurry up, this wont last for too long.  Lindex    Lindex  has a 20% discount on selected womens clothes and swimwear so go check that out! To be quite honest, after 3 kiddos I really need a swimsuit since I don't feel comfortable enough wearing a bikini. The only problem is that I haven't found a good one yet. We do spend a lot of time outdoors on the beach or a spa (when ever this virus will go away and we get to do that again), and covering my belly is a must :) my other option is a tankini paired with black bottoms.  Self-quarantine continues   Schools and day care centers opened for almost everyone today as we're trying to go back to normal here in Finland. We decided to keep the kids at home until the end of may as I'm a stay at home mama and therefore we're not in a hurry to go back. To...

Happy mother's day!

Hey everyone and happy mother's day to all celebrating it, in one way or another :) Mine has been spent outdoors as always spending time with my family. I made a little cake this morning filled with strawberries and cream, and it's all gone already :) so nothing special yet so very special to me <3  Self-quarantine continues We're still in self quarantine at home, going outdoors to new parks a little more and by doing that, slowly returning to normal life. Being extra careful with washing our hands multiple times and not licking everything we see (the kiddos, not me!!) In Finland, schools and day care centers are returning back to normal next thursday but we decided to keep the kids at home this whole month. They go back to day care in june and then again stay home all july. We're in no hurry to go back, daddy still works from home and I kinda like this. Keeping my loved ones near me :)