Sick child, Reima outerwear and working mama - quite the combo!
Hey everyone!
It's been a while since I've posted anything but that's because we've literally been sick from january until now :( To be more spesific, my youngest one has been sick with stomach flu, flu and now with earinfection - in his both ears!! He's been up all nite long since it's been too hard to sleep through the night, poor little one. Luckily after been in and out of health center, which did nothing good in trying to find out what's wrong with him, we finally got an insurance for him and took him to a private doctor's. Now he's already feeling so much better, thanks to this super-talented doctor :) I hate when my kids are in pain!Outerwear at Reima
Sorry about a whiny start on this post! Other than being sick for weeks, it's been raining almost all the time which is not fine. Thank god for online shops like Reima who offer the best quality outer wear for kids, my older kids have so far stayed healthy (fingers crossed that'll last :)). Have you checked out their selection? I totally recommend clothes that will last from one kid to the fifth one :) Especially on this miserable time when corona-virus is spreading everywhere it's super important to keep your babes warm and safe, and keep the worms out. Remember to wash hands - that's our #1 rule these days.Going back to work
I wrote about my not-so-fancy work situation a while back and as I mentioned earlier, my job doesn't exactly exist anymore. I do namely have a job to return to but what my tasks are gonna be, I don't really know. I'll go back in mid-august so basically I have time to think about what I'll do and my youngest son also starts day care then. I did have some ideas on starting my own little company but that's still kinda open in the air. I have a business plan all written down. Maybe I'll hold that idea until I've returned back to work and if that doesn't work out, I might start this little company then. In case you're interested in new job opportunities, I happened to see an ad on Finnacta. Basically you leave your job application on their site and they'll get back to you when they find a job that would suit you (applies only in Finland). Go check that out if you're looking for new experiences, even short time!
Okay, that's all for now. I hope you have a great day! :)
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