Battle of the double-strollers and the winner is..

Hey y'all!
As the title reveals, I've been - once again - on a hunt for the perfect double-stroller. I know, I've been blogging about it for ages and switched and then went back and forth...several times. Anyway, long story short, my favorite of them all is Easywalker duo. I've tried Bugaboo donkey duo, Mountain buggy duet, and many different versions/models of Phil & Teds. These all are great ones but my criteria why Easywalker won this battle are:
- Kids sit next to each other (that rules out P&T models)
- it's narrow enough to fit main doors (about 75 cm wide, 100 cm long)
- it has big tires (this rules out Mountain Buggy duet)
- it costs from 100-300€ as second hand (this rules out Bugaboo donkey duo, for an obvious reason)
- it's roomy for even a bigger kid - my now 3,5 year old didn't fit in a Bugaboo donkey duo

And that is all! What really is important to me is that my kids fit in the stroller, is easy to push (has an adjustable handlebar) and has big tires because with small tires it's almost impossible to go anywhere here in Finland - especially when you have 2 kids sitting on a stroller. The stroller gets so heavy so big tires are a must. Also, they need to be lockable/swivel when needed so you can alternate. And last but not least comes the price. I'm only gonna need these daily base for the next 4 months because that's when I go back to work so I'm not gonna spend 1000€ for a used one. I paid 190€ for my newest Easywalker duo and I'm more than happy :) My 3,5 year old is in day care half the day and doesn't really need a seat anymore but every now and then he does so I need to provide that for him. Besides, I don't have a car and without a double stroller we're pretty much staying in playgrounds near our home. I can't go anywhere with a tired toddler and what I did realize, a wheeled boar with a seat just isn't an option for me. I, in fact, hate pushing a stroller on the side or hunching my back so let's not make our life any harder and let's all go and get a double stroller :) I know, many people always have that same thought: will I need it if my toddler is already 2 years old? You will need it every now and then if you plan on going somewhere further from home and even though toddlers can walk, they do get tired so it's sorta exhausting pushing a stroller and carrying your 15 kg toddler :D

These are my thoughts on this sunny day :) I'll post a pic on my Instagram very soon of my new double stroller :) If you like more information on it, read this and this (in English). Sorry, they don't make these anymore but if you happen to find one second hand, go for it.
Enjoy your week!


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