Kid-friendly family vacation in Finland

Hey there! What a hot week it's been so far as temperatures rise up to 30 degrees - in Finland! Not bad at all we'll be vacationing mainly in Finland this except for the short trip to Estonia next month. (Read more about that trip here . We just booked a cabin for a week through Lomarengas and I could not be happier! Mid-summer at grandparents cabin The cabin is just 2 hours away from my in-laws cabin, where we happened to spent the mid-summer festival last weekend. Or let me just call it a normal weekend with the family, not so much a festival ;) it was the first time since corona-limitations we've actually spent time with the grandparents again. And they're huuuuge help for us, no doubt about it!! So next month we're going back to their cabin, which is about 3 hours away from our home, to spend a few days there. It's awesome there with kids: they can swim all day, go fishing and just run around naked all day long :) Grandparents also make all the meals whic...