Maternity leave in Finland

Hey everyone! Kids are back in daycare and summer is over even though the weather's been nice lately here in Finland. That's not the case every year since when school's start, summer always seem to have gone - so let's enjoy these last warm days and nights too :) At the beginning of summer I was so concerned how this summer would go as a family of 5, ie with 3 kiddos. All I'm gonna say is that it wasn't the easiest at some times but I learned a lot from my kids and overall it was a great summer. Luckily me being home, my middle son gets to stay home on mondays and therefore he only has four days at daycare. He's only 3 so that works for us just fine. Our 5 year old likes to go to daycare because that's where all his friends are and there just aren't that many 5 year olds who stay at home. In Finland you can stay home and take care of your kids that are under 3, and you get a little compensation for that too, without losing your job if you have a p...