
Showing posts from July, 2019

Summer sales @ Reima

Good afternoon! How are you doing? I'm having a great day with my kiddos at a park and for some un-explainable reason, my 3 year old hasn't pushed any "mommy goes crazy" -buttons :D oh well, I'm sure that'll change or maybe it's the sun that does it's magic. Anyway, I've had time to go through clothes for the fall, and most of them are too small :( good thing is that Reima  has always good quality clothes on sale and they last for years which is great since I have 3 boys. There's always next one to use them :) have you guys given a thought on fall clothing yet or are you still on holiday mood? You should enjoy your holiday but keep in mind fall is coming :) I'm so glad weekend is here and my hubby will join us. He just returned to work on wednesday and boy do I miss him during the day!! It sure feels like an olympic sport to entertain young kids. And keep an eye on them so they wont hurt them. The other night they were hiding from us pa...

Summer with 3 kiddos

Hey everyone! Our family had a fun but not that relaxing (!) summer vacay this summer first time as a  family of 5. It's hard work, let me tell ya! My husband and I love travelling so we haven't given up on that even though our fam has grown. No, having a third one - baby - doesn't exactly make it harder but having 3 kids at different ages just makes it harder, if you know what I mean. 5 year old is great company and baby goes along the way but a 3 year old is a peace of work :D I'm just hoping it's a phase that will soon pass. Most of all, the number of luggage you need with 3 is massive, your organizing skills need to be in order, meaning 24/7. Skip a lunch and you're dead! Seriously. Right now being at home and vacationing locally to parks etc is a childs play :) home sweet home, for sure. BUT despite of all that, it wasn't a true disaster and let's remember that kids will grow and our next trip will be so much different. Happy summer holiday to a...

Familyvacation in Finland

Hey everyone! We're currently vacationing in Finland as a family, and just arrived to Kuhmoinen. It was supposed to rain but apparently it's gonna be nice and sunny all week, yay! Kids are swimming, enjoying the outdoor life and also tried fishing and even got some fish :) few days here and the to Lahti to stay in a hotel for a night and back home. We're still debating what to do after that: maybe to Estonia, Tallinn by a ferry and stay in a spa hotel there for a few days. Momondo  offers great hotel, flight or package deals all over so maybe I'll check it out. Gotta love summer and the fact you can choose what's your next step gonna be! Here's a pic from my morning walk with my little guy-loving this scenery <3 more pics coming up on ny instagram account! now mosquitoes are literally bugging me so gotta go! Bye for now :)